A letter to my son at camp

Taking my kids to summer camp is always bittersweet. I love spending time with them so much. As for my son, it's an extra challenge because he prefers being by himself. He's definitely an introvert. However, he made the decision to go again this year, pushing himself out of his comfort zone. He always claims to have a great time when he returns home. But that doesn't make the drop-off any easier. While he's away, we have the opportunity to send him two letters. Here's my first letter to him:

Hey, man. I hope things are going well. I hated leaving you like that yesterday because I know you were feeling a bit weird. It's always a strange moment when you are being dropped off in a new environment with lots of people for an extended time. I remember it well from when I was your age and then again when I left for college. Just know that you've done it before and can/will do it again. Stress and change make us better, just like working out.

I really love the way you keep pushing yourself, but you do it with a level head. You weigh risk and reward and make great decisions. This is all part of growing up, and you are doing it well. I told you in that book I wrote you that the next 10 years (starting when you were 10 years old) were going to be weird. I know because I've been there. You are doing great.

You will be home before you know it, so try to soak up the experience that is summer camp. You won't be able to do this as much as you get older, and there are a ton of memories you are making and learnings you are having. This is a great chance for you to focus a bit on your relationship with God and see if He has anything that he's trying to teach you this week. I'm sure he is.

My heart hurt all the way home and all night last night. There is a lot of learning for me here too. I've built my life around you guys, and I also need to turn to God to see what he's trying to teach me. So I'll be doing the same things as you this week.

We just made dinner and went to bed last night. Mom got teary-eyed when she walked through the playroom. This place isn't the same without you here, so we are counting down the days until you get home. This week is just work and working out for me. Mom's tennis got canceled Wednesday night because of how hot it is going to be. So make sure you are hydrating up!

My prayer for you this week is that you will continue to find confidence in God and confidence in yourself. You have (and are) accumulating important skills for life, and you are going to have an amazing future ahead of you. You are hard-working, smart, caring, likable, and handsome. Know who you are and have confidence. You are amazing. I love you so much.

I'll write you again for Thursday but would love to hear how you are doing (and be honest). I'll take as much detail as you can give. I hate not being able to text or call you. When you get home, we'll make sure you have a super-chill few days, and then you will be off to the mountains and much better temperatures with GG and Andrew. That should be really fun.

Know that I am thinking about you and praying literally every hour of the day that I'm awake. I hope your stomach is better, and you are sleeping well. I hope you are laughing hard and having fun. I hope you are learning more about God and who He made you to be.

I love you more than anything in this world. Have fun, Riley.


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