The Incredible Journey of a Young Athlete and the Power of AI to help write training programs.

In a world where technology and human potential intersect, remarkable stories of determination and innovation often emerge. One such story is of my daughter, a 13-year-old athlete with aspirations that soar as high as her ambitions. Her journey towards aiming to compete in the CrossFit Games is a testament to her incredible work ethic and the supportive role technology can play in achieving one's dreams.

My daughter's daily routine is nothing short of extraordinary. Waking up before dawn at 4:45 am, she starts her day with a rigorous CrossFit session, followed by preparing her own breakfast and lunch, attending school, and excelling academically. Her afternoons are filled with cheerleading or soccer, and then it's back to the gym for another two hours of training. Her discipline extends to the kitchen, where she often cooks dinner for the family, before finally sitting down to her studies. Her dedication is truly inspiring.

To support her in her ambitious endeavor, I've tried to be by her side, participating in workouts whenever possible. However, recognizing the limits of my ability to keep up with her training volume, I sought other ways to assist her. This led me to sign her up for CrossFit Mayhem's programming and encourage her participation in a local CrossFit gym. As she delves deeper into the world of CrossFit, her curiosity about various training aspects grows. CrossFit's emphasis on diverse energy systems and a wide range of movements, from weightlifting and gymnastics to Olympic lifting, presents a complex landscape for any athlete, especially one as young and ambitious as my daughter.

This AI-powered tool has revolutionized the way she approaches her training.

However, her journey is not without its challenges. Being underage and unable to drive limits her access to the necessary training facilities and equipment at times. This often leads to a dilemma: how to adapt the day's programming to available resources without compromising on the training's effectiveness or risking overtraining. To address these concerns, I turned to an innovative solution: creating a custom GPT via Chat-GPT tailored specifically to her training needs.

This AI-powered tool has revolutionized the way she approaches her training. By inputting specific goals, current statistics, and a weekly training framework, the tool generates a personalized training plan that is both flexible and responsive to the equipment she has access to and the intended stimulus of each session. This means she now carries a virtual coach in her pocket, ready to adjust her training plan on the fly, ensuring she remains on track toward her goals.

The implementation of this AI solution is a vivid example of how technology can be harnessed to enhance personal growth and achievement. It not only addresses the logistical challenges faced by a young athlete but also empowers her to take control of her training in an informed and structured manner. The ability to customize her workouts based on specific inputs and change plans according to available resources is a game-changer, making the pursuit of her dreams more accessible than ever.

Here are some screenshots of the prompt and output but please know that the volume here is only possible because she’s been building up to this for 8 months. This is definitely not a program for 99% of the people out there. More, it was designed to give her a lot and she can pick and choose what she will do each day based on her location, recovery, and mental readiness. It tooks months of education and close parenting to make sure she is healthy mentally and physically to operate at this high level. More, this is being driven by her goals and desires and has nothing to do with us as parents intending or forcing her to do this. This is all her. She wants to be a champion and that goal requires a special level of commitment, understanding, and attention.

Output: Custom Weekly Training Plan

Monday: Focus on Energy Systems, Strength, and Olympic Lifting


  • 5 minutes of jump rope

  • Dynamic stretches (leg swings, arm circles)

  • 2 rounds of: 10 air squats, 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups

Metcon 1: Phosphagen (Short Duration, High Intensity)

Workout: 5 rounds for time

  • 10 Power Cleans (use 65 lbs)

  • 20 Double-Unders

Metcon 2: Glycolytic (Medium Duration, Moderate to High Intensity)

Workout: 10-minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible)

  • 7 Thrusters (use 55 lbs)

  • 7 Pull-ups

  • 7 Box Jumps (24")

Metcon 3: Oxidative (Long Duration, Low to Moderate Intensity)

Workout: 20-minute steady run, aim for a consistent pace that allows for conversation

Strength Work:

  • Back Squats: 3 sets of 5 reps at 70% of 1RM (112 lbs)

  • Shoulder Press: 3 sets of 5 reps at 70% of 1RM (52 lbs)

Olympic Lifting:

  • Snatch Technique Work: 5 sets of 3 reps at 60 lbs, focusing on form

Tuesday: Mixed Energy Metcons, Strength, Olympic Lifting, and Gymnastics


  • 3 rounds of: 200m run, 10 ring rows, 10 lunges

Metcon 1: Glycolytic

Workout: "Fran"
21-15-9 reps of:

  • Thrusters (use 65 lbs)

  • Pull-ups

Metcon 2: Oxidative

  • Workout: 2 km Row at a moderate pace

Strength Work:

  • Deadlifts: 3 sets of 5 reps at 75% of 1RM (135 lbs)

Olympic Lifting:

  • Clean and Jerk: 3 sets of 3 reps at 70% of 1RM (87 lbs)


  • Handstand work: Practice handstand holds against the wall for 5 minutes

  • 3 sets of 8 ring dips

Wednesday: Energy Metcons, Strength, and Double Gymnastics Focus


  • 400m jog

  • 2 rounds of: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats

Metcon 1: Phosphagen

Workout: 6 rounds of sprint:

  • 100m sprint

  • Rest 1 minute between rounds

Metcon 2: Glycolytic

Workout: "Cindy"

  • 20-minute AMRAP:

    • 5 Pull-ups

    • 10 Push-ups

    • 15 Air squats

Strength Work:

  • Bench Press: 3 sets of 5 reps at 80% of 1RM (80 lbs)

Gymnastics Practice:

  • Toes to Bar: Practice technique and perform 4 sets of 8 reps

  • Practice pistol squats, 3 sets of 6 reps per leg

Thursday: Active Recovery

Active Recovery Metcon:

  • 30-minute light bike ride or swim, focusing on enjoying the activity without pushing too hard

Friday: Similar to Monday with Variations

(Repeat Monday's structure with the following adjustments)

Metcon 1: "Grace"

  • 30 Clean and Jerks for time (use 95 lbs)

Metcon 2: Oxidative

  • 25-minute easy pace jog

Strength and Olympic Lifting:

  • Adjust based on how she's feeling, potentially focusing more on technique or reducing the weight to ensure form and safety.

Saturday: Balanced Day with Gymnastics

(Use Saturday's guideline, incorporating a mix of Metcons, gymnastics, and Olympic lifting focusing on technique and endurance.)

Gymnastics Practice:

  • Spend extra time on areas that need improvement, such as muscle-ups or handstand walks, based on the week's performance.

Sunday: Rest Day

Ensure she takes this day off to fully recover, focusing on mobility work or light stretching if she feels the need to move.


  • Adjust weights as necessary to ensure form and safety.

  • Incorporate mobility work and stretches, especially for the back, before and after workouts.

  • Monitor her response to the workouts, adjusting for fatigue or any signs of overtraining.

This plan balances intensity and recovery, aiming to enhance all facets of her athletic performance while keeping her engaged and motivated. Adjustments may be necessary based on her progress and feedback.

We are indeed living in amazing times, where the boundaries of what's possible are continually expanded by the synergy between human ambition and technological innovation. My daughter's story is a shining example of this synergy in action, highlighting the role of technology in supporting and amplifying the aspirations of the next generation of athletes. As she continues on her journey, the lessons learned and the tools employed will undoubtedly serve as a beacon for others, illustrating the power of determination, the importance of support, and the limitless potential of technology to transform dreams into reality.


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