How a basketball game reminded me how much I like working from home

I''ve been working remotely for more than half of my career, and while it used to be rare pre-COVID, now I''d guess that about half of the workforce experiences some version of it. One of the best things about working remotely is being there for your kids when they get home from school. Today was no exception. Lately, my kids have been playing basketball with the neighbors, and I''ve joined them a few times. It''s amazing how much cardio basketball takes!

As I started dinner, I caught a glimpse of the kids playing outside through the kitchen window. It''s not lost on me that these moments won''t last forever, and that someday soon, I''ll look back at this picture and long for these times again. That''s why I''m grateful for the opportunity to work from home and enjoy these little moments with my family.


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